favorite books of 2017
Happy new year! I had planned to have all of these best of lists done before the actual end of the year, but most of us got sick over Christmas,…
reading lately list
I am beginning to realize that I’m more of a love-the-one-you’re-with type when it comes to books. I love a book and can’t stop talking about it with everyone –…
favorite reads of 2016
It’s my favorite time of the year: the time for making end of the year (and new year) lists! I love the chance to reflect back on the year in…
what I’m learning and loving: july 2016
School starts next week at our house. I am not ready for the whirlwind schedule to begin again already. I feel like I’m just getting used to summer, and I…
wendell for wednesday
Wendell, from this recent interview, answering every reader’s favorite question: what do you plan to read next? I am 81 years old. By now, I know better than to make…
my year in reading
This is a bit off topic, but I love the lists that The Millions does on author’s recaps of their years in reading. I obviously would never be asked by The Millions for…