easier roasted pumpkin (or squash) seeds
It’s pumpkin (and winter squash) season! We had lots of pie pumpkins do well this year (before the squash bugs got prolific), so I’ve been roasting them and freezing the…
wendell for wednesday
How To Be A Poet (To Remind Myself) Make a place to sit down. Sit down. Be quiet. You must depend upon affection, reading, knowledge, skill-more of each than you…
kitchen tip: dry erase markers
I’m at that point in the season where I’m tired of putting up. Grant and I canned about 40 more pounds of tomatoes over the weekend, and I’m ready to…
pork and black bean chili
We took the kids camping last week. It was mostly ridiculously fun, but it was also chilly and a bit damp. It took me all of about five minutes after…
wendell for wednesday
You mustn’t wish for another life. You mustn’t want to be somebody else. What you must do is this: “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks.” I am…
[g-rant] herb simple syrups: the cocktails
So how do you take a SaraByTheSeason post on delicious do-it-yourself simple syrups and make it even better? Yes, you are correct: you add alcohol. Hopefully I’m not infringing on…
wendell for wednesday
the environmental crisis rises closer to home. Every time we draw a breath, every time we drink a glass of water, every time we eat a bite of food we…
herbal simple syrups
Several weeks ago, our basil and sage plants were going nuts. I had already made lots of pesto, so I decided to do a little something different to use them…
freezing summer squash/zucchini
I’m in big time preservation mode these days at home: I’ve canned nearly 100 pounds of tomatoes, frozen dozens of ears of corn and 25 pounds of sweet and hot peppers,…
wendell for wednesday
Wendell on war in one of my favorite novels (of his or otherwise), Hannah Coulter: As many who have known it have said of it, war is Hell. It is the…