around the interwebs this week: october 1, 2016
It’s our eleventh anniversary, so we’re planning something fun and adventurous. I can’t wait. Here’s my internetry round-up for the week:
To read
- We should be reading and discussing this at our dinner tables and churches this week. ” Tell me you don’t have all the answers but you want to know more, you want to help, you want to see change. Don’t argue with me about why I’m hurting. Don’t argue with me about why I’m angry. Don’t try to be right. And please don’t try to make me responsible for why these things are happening.”
- 20 books everybody will be talking about this fall. Ahh, I think fall (preferably, in a hammock with a blanket) and winter reading are my favorite!
- The death of the phone call (thank you, Jesus, that I did not have to work in an an office prior to 2003!). Also, long live Voxer because I do actually love hearing the sound of my friend’s voices.
- “Hanging windows of hope“
To try/do
- DIY vinegar? Yes, please.
- I am obsessed with this idea and will be promptly stealing it to make our own.
- How delicious does this tarragon butter sound? I have tarragon coming out of my ears in the garden, so I’m definitely going to be trying this!
To watch/listen to
- Still addicted to Friends, so I don’t have anything new to report on the watching front. I would say I’m sorry, but I’m really not.
- I loved this cute little cartoon on meditation – it’s short, simple, and super practical. (I’ve checked out Dan Harris’ book from the library and had to return it without reading it at least seven times – maybe this is a sign I need to pick it up again and actually read it!).
- This On Being episode with Parker Palmer and Courtney Martin (side note: must read all of her books a-snaps).
- This Liturgist episode celebrating Science Mike’s new books made me tear up lots.
- If we ever finish Friends, I plan on testing out Knox and Jamie’s “bet the farm” picks for Fall TV.
Oldies from the blog
- Now’s the time to freeze all of those herbs from the garden before the first frost.
- Make some homemade mayo this weekend – it’s like a delicious science experiment!
I hope your weekend is restful!