wendell for wednesday
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the Sabbath – both the concept and the Commandment. I listened to an old Berry interview and found the following excerpt especially salient:
One of the first things you realize if you begin to think of the human creature as a person who seeks to be pleased, is that most people are deeply displeased… by their work, by their places and so on…
“Thank God it’s Friday” is virtually a national motto. But, people that are doing the thing they are called to do the work that they are best fitted to do in this world, and attracted to aren’t saying “thank God it’s Friday.” They’re having trouble distinguishing between their work and their recreation. Work itself is pleasure giving…
If you live in a pleasing place, a place that you really like to be in, you’re not going to need television, or violent distractions. You’re not going to spend your time speeding somewhere. You’re have to want to spend your leisurely time at home, (which would be a great saving in fossil fuels and lead and these other things that we’re against). If you like looking at the country you are in, you’re not going to need to look at television. My own phobia or motto is to stay away from screens. I avoid screens of all kinds…. screens of distraction …that disguise the place that you are. Books don’t do that.
Wendell Berry (H/T CityKin)