lacto-fermented escabeche
One of my 2013 resolutions was to eat more fermented foods. I’ve been making lots on my own. I’ve had lots of successes – and some pretty epic failures (which I make Grant take directly out to the compost bin so I don’t throw up all over the kitchen!). I’m not feeling super confident about things so far, but I’m having fun experimenting.
If you’re not on the fermented foods bandwagon already, check out the end of this post for some additional reading. I also just finished reading Cooked
, Michael Pollan’s newest, and it re-motivated me to be adding fermented foods to all of our meals in some way or another. Or check out this great article from Pollan if you don’t have time for the whole book (although do read the book – it’s excellent!).
I first heard about escabeche from this helpful post on the paleo/primal diet. We had a HUGE crop of sweet and hot peppers in the garden this year, so I loved the idea of fermenting some of the peppers for a healthy kick to all sorts of dishes. This were super easy to throw together, and we’ve already finished three pints worth in less than a month. They make a great addition to tacos, eggs, salads, and just about anything that needs a little extra kick.

i need to have this.
do it! you guys would love it…super easy and adaptable too!